Mice Concierge

Advantages of Hosting Virtual Events

If you are arranging an event you will need to consider the best place to hold it so that you can get the biggest number of people to attend. Since the pandemic restrictions have eased, many conference centres are now back in business and raring to go, but this may not be the best way forward for you. In fact, sticking to virtual events could be more advantageous and we are here to tell you why! Check out the main advantages of hosting virtual events and use them to help you succeed!

You Can Reach a Wider Audience

If you want to expand audience participation in your event then making it virtual is a winning idea. Virtual events are easier to schedule and many people can fit them into their day without having to take time away from work. The other great thing about virtual events and getting more attendees is that delegates can dip in and out, accessing the parts that are important and relevant to their needs.

Your Event Will be More Inclusive

Inclusivity is a vital ingredient for any event, from access to providing reasonable adjustments. However, when you are working hard to provide a cost-effective outcome, working to ensure access for all can be an expense that makes it hard to break even. The good news about virtual events is that they are far more accessible for the vast majority of people, allowing delegates to join in from wherever they are most comfortable. Plus, with no travel or accommodation requirements, you can be certain that you will appeal to more people with access needs than those events that are in person.

You Can Get More Speakers

Speaker availability is often a nightmare for event organisers, especially when you want someone to present who is in demand. However, with a virtual event, you can use pre-recorded content instead of expecting each speaker to be there in person. Pre-recorded content can be organised at a time that suits the speaker and will often cost you less in fees than an in-person speaker as you won’t need them to be there all day and you won’t need to pay for their travel and accommodation.

You Can Improve Engagement with Virtual Booths

At in-person events, many people say that they find the breaks tedious and boring but with virtual booths, you can keep everyone on task at a virtual event. From creating fun activities to offering limited time experiences, there is a range of great ideas that are sure to keep people entertained and on task. You can also use virtual booths to offer networking and engagement opportunities for delegates, giving them time to learn more about the experiences of others.

You Can Provide Better Event Flexibility

An online event does not need to follow the same rigid time and date structure that an in-person event does, making it easier for people to attend when it suits them. To achieve the best outcomes, most virtual events run live at a specific date and time and are recorded. Once the event ends, delegates can sign up to receive a link to the recording, allowing them to access the event at a time that suits them best.

Not only is this a better way of reaching more people but it also offers monetization features in that people have to pay a specified fee to be able to access the recording, helping you to continue making profits even after the event is over.

You Can Offer Sponsorship Opportunities

Getting sponsors for your virtual event should be straightforward as you have a captive audience that can be targeted. From creating bespoke backgrounds to naming part of the programme after the sponsor, there are lots of different ways to get their information out there for people to learn more. The other great thing for your sponsors is that they will also get continued advertising when people watch the recording of the event at a different time, increasing the value of what you have to offer.

You Can Save Time

There’s no doubt that arranging an event takes many months of hard work and effort but this can be reduced when you choose a virtual event. You won’t need to worry about finding a venue, creating a venue plan or even looking for an accommodation solution. You will also be able to avoid having to liaise with catering companies and car parking services, saving you hours of time that you can put back into finding the perfect speakers and curating the perfect agenda.

You Can Save Money

It’s a sad reality that many events struggle to break even when you factor in all the expenses that need to be covered such as venue hire, catering and promotional materials. Rather than letting this be your reality, switch to virtual events and make more per head each time. With lower overheads, you can use your additional income to afford a better speaker or you can even cut your prices to make your offer more competitive than other event companies.

You Can Increase Your Data Collection

We all know that digital marketing materials produce better conversion rates than any other type of marketing, but to be able to make the most effective use of it you will need to gather the contact details of lots of people, a task that is difficult as you cannot cold contact people with regular marketing materials.

However, when you are arranging a virtual event, each delegate will need to provide their details, including their email address and give you permission to use it to contact them. With this additional data collection opportunity, you can share your event as well as other marketing and promotional content that will help you continue to converse with individuals and enable you to advertise further events when they become available.

Organise Your Next Event Virtually and Enjoy These Advantages

With so many great advantages, it’s clear that arranging a virtual event is a great way to get better outcomes. From less work to improved income, you can be certain that a virtual event will be well received by a wide audience. Start planning your virtual event today and look forward to all the benefits it will produce!

To find out more:
Call us on: +44 (0)1438 908770
Email: enquiries@miceconcierge.com


Talk to us today.

Over 25-years we’ve crafted the most comprehensive service that takes the load off busy clients and improves delegate satisfaction substantially. No matter how small or large your event, you will be in safe hands with MICE Concierge.
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