Great event marketing will extend your delegate’s experience way beyond event delivery, and this will always enhance engagement and improve delegate satisfaction
Collaborative, Creative, Specialist, Team Players

Understanding your challenges
Our experienced Event Marketing Team are highly skilled in the delivery of a wide range of event marketing disciplines for pre, during and post-event marcoms. They really enjoy getting under the skin of your brief, understanding your challenges and purpose of your event.

Direct & drive event engagement
Working in partnership with you, our team will create exciting, relevant themes, manage your brand presentation, develop key messages and craft engaging content that communicates your proposition and objectives. This can all be delivered through a wide range of interactive multi-media, multi-channel campaigns that will direct and educate, drive event engagement and support the entire registration process.
Go onsite looking confident
They’ll also ensure your event goes on site looking confident, professional and fully aligned in all aspects of presentation, including PowerPoint deck design and creation. We can capture important moments and highlights whilst onsite, with our filming and editing services and follow-up post event with surveys/polls, management and sharing of assets and white papers, and managing delegate access to event content.

Creative, Specialist, Experts
All communications can be offered with multi-lingual support and we will customise a campaign solution for you, or offer you package – subject to your defined communications channels and available budget. We are collaborative and enjoy working in extended teams, so we are always happy to get around the table for an informal chat to understand your needs, and where we might best be of help.
Get in Touch
To find out more about how we can support you with your event marketing, drop an email to enquiries@miceconcierge.com or call our main number.