Mice Concierge
Mice Concierge
The latest industry news, insights and guidance relating to topical subjects affecting our industry from our expert team.

Association &
Corporate Events

Congress, Conferences
& Meetings

Event Registration

Onsite Support

Venue Sourcing &

Virtual & Hybrid


Having the knowhow to help organisers deliver the best events is about having the knowhow to use the latest technology and the awareness of how to work strategically for the best outcomes.

Across the entire portfolio of our services, we are delivering solutions that demonstrate the knowledge that underpins our approach and we are happy to share our insights.
Virtual Conference

Articles and Ebooks

Cover-MICE Concierge Ebook Tips on Association Event Delivery

Tips & ideas on how to plan & deliver an association event

We know that events come in all shapes and sizes, and so do event audiences. Sometimes we can deliver an event entirely in house, abut when things get complex we often need help from freelancers or specialist partners. However, whatever the size, shape or purpose of your event you can guarantee delivery won’t be a ‘walk in the park’, so whether you’re an experienced event manager, or new to the game, we hope that one, some or all of these tips might make things a little easier.

C&IT State of the Industry 2024 Agency Report

C&IT State of the Industry 2024 Agency Report

A very thorough report focusing on the agency side of our glorious business. Highlighting ways to add value, the evolution of the event format, the tech revolution, clients’ budgets, challenges around pitching, and which destinations are in or out. It wraps up with a look at what the future holds. All very interesting and certainly of value.
Cover-MICE Concierge Value of Event Management

The Value of Event Management in Association Marketing

As custodians of the first part of the delegate journey, and we know that every easy, comfortable small interaction, comes together to create a bigger impression.

How your association is represented on this journey, could be the difference between a new member joining or an existing member engaging (or leaving).

10 tips on how to build a solid foundation for your event

With decades of experience in the events industry, I’ve shared my 10 best tips on how to build a solid foundation for your event.

This covers everything from personalising your communications, the application of the latest event technology and how to deliver a flawless delegate experience.

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Tips & ideas on how to plan & deliver an association event

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C&IT State of the Industry 2024 Agency Report

MICE Concierge would like to keep in touch with you by email about our products, services and offers that might interest you. Please indicate your consent by downloading the ebook below.

You can withdraw your consent at any time. For more details about this and how we handle your data, please read our Privacy Policy.

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The Value of Event Management in Association Marketing

MICE Concierge would like to keep in touch with you by email about our products, services and offers that might interest you. Please indicate your consent by downloading the ebook below.

You can withdraw your consent at any time. For more details about this and how we handle your data, please read our Privacy Policy.

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10 tips on how to build a solid foundation for your event

MICE Concierge would like to keep in touch with you by email about our products, services and offers that might interest you. Please indicate your consent by downloading the ebook below.

You can withdraw your consent at any time. For more details about this and how we handle your data, please read our Privacy Policy.