Mice Concierge

ICC Wales report to raise awareness on proposed Protect Duty legislation

What do you know about the Protect Duty legislation that’s currently being proposed by the UK government?

It’s the question the team at the ICC in Wales has been asking a variety of event venues, in order to compile its recent response to the proposals on behalf of the events industry.

Also known as Martyn’s Law, the legislation that’s now on the table is the result of the gritty campaigning efforts of Figen Murray OBE. Her son Martyn Hett was one of the victims of the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing.

The legislation aims to address the risk mitigation against the threat of terrorist attacks in public venues. It’s not a subject you particularly want to think about when you’re organising an event. But it’s so important for safer futureproof events.

Its relevance is further highlighted by the ICC’s findings. They’re revealed current low levels of awareness of the legislation, despite most venues being positive about the effectiveness of their current safety measures.

Read more about how venues are thinking afresh about enhanced event safety that does its job without being overbearing and compromising the event experience.


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